Movie Views

Musings about movies.

An Enthralling Escape

3 stars  The poster shows a young bikini-clad blonde toting a machine gun. The description calls Escape the story of “ten sex-trafficked young women

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Cena Steals Stanicky

3 star Three boys put a huge bag of dog crap (collected from seven different dogs) on the doorstep of a family that didn’t give

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Very, Very Ordinary

2 stars In one particular way, Ordinary Angels is a revelation: After two seasons of watching him kick ass in the Reacher series on Amazon

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Sex is Boring

1 star Three 16-year-old girls go off on their own to the Greek party resort of Malia for seven days of Charles Bukowski-level debauchery. Their

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Fitting In is Fierce, Funny

3 ½ stars According to, an auteur is “a filmmaker whose personal influence and artistic control over a movie are so great that the

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Terrifying Trunk

3 ½ stars Let’s set the stage before you start watching Trunk: Locked In, which is now playing on Amazon Prime. Turn out all the

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Freud’s Last a Flop

1 star “The world is on the brink of war. In his final days, Sigmund Freud, a recent escapee with his daughter from the Nazi

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The Magnificent Madeleine

3 ½ stars The 1979 movie Manhattan opens with the lead character, Isaac Davis (Woody Allen), dictating notes for his latest novel. “He adored New

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